Mawooshen - Môwosan - Walking Together
Mawooshen is the name attributed at early European contact (late 1500s to early 1600s) to what is today's midcoast Maine - an area from the Saco River (Biddeford) east to the Union River (Ellsworth).
Continuing to Refute Misleading Statements: Correcting NBC5 Reporting
A letter written to Tyler Boronski, reporting for WPTZ NBC5 last night on the public presentation and accompanying protest held at UVM earlier that evening:
Press Conference Video: Vermont Abenaki Alliance Calls for Tolerance
The four Vermont state-recognized Abenaki tribes, together as the Vermont Abenaki Alliance, held a press conference on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, to call attention to our vibrant history, authenticity, and issue a call for tolerance and open exchange
Abenaki Alliance Press Release: April 23, 2024
Burlington, Vermont/Politon, Kdakinna (April 23, 2024) — The four Vermont state-recognized Abenaki tribes, together as the Vermont Abenaki Alliance, will hold a press conference on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 to call attention to our vibrant history, authenticity, and issue a call for tolerance and open exchange. Media representatives and fellow citizens are invited to join us at 9 am in the meeting room at Seventh Generation, 60 Lake St., Burlington, VT 05401.
Raised Fists in Times Square and Lifting Gratitude for Our Relatives
There are many ways of being in the Circle we call Life. The choices we make together will determine how that Circle continues.
Community Voices for Health Equity
A recent Vital Partnerships area community support project with which Atowi was a grateful participant: “Wichie Artu, Executive Director of Vital Partnerships, and Ruben Garza, Executive Director of United Way of Windham County, outline why community resilience is important to our work. We've used our data-driven problem statement to take action and uplift our community by funding key partner organizations.”
Press Release: Indigenous Vermonters Speak Out for Trees at Telephone Gap
Members of Vermont’s Indigenous communities, Indigenous Peoples consisting of a diaspora of relocated Native Americans who have put down roots in Vermont, and allies of these groups, acting as the Vermont Coalition of Indigenous Communities and Allies, are petitioning the US Forest Service to extend the deadline for commenting on a proposal to timber 12,000 acres of Telephone Gap in the Green Mountain National Forest.
US DOI Secretary Deb Haaland: Request for Support of UNDRIP in Vermont
I am writing to request that the Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs reach out to the U.S. Forest Service and provide them with direction and guidance on the matter of respecting and implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
An Indigenous Vision of a Pathway to 30 by 30: Our Cultural Advantage
As the state of Vermont begins to engage its own commitment to the global “30 X 30” land conservation initiative in response to human-poor behavior-caused planetary degradation, through the passage last year (2023) of Act 59 (H.126), an Indigenous coalition has coalesced to add necessary - and heretofore missing - perspectives
Petition From VT Indigenous Communities and Allies to Extend Public Comment Period on Proposed Telephone Gap Forest Logging Plan
Petition From VT Indigenous Communities and Allies to Extend Public Comment Period on Proposed Telephone Gap Forest Logging Plan
Vermont Public Continues to Mislead
We share here a direct observation from Atowi Co-Director Melody Walker Mackin, in response to Vermont Public’s latest article is a long-running series that continues to present selective presentations of perspective. The referenced quote is below and Melody’s commentary follows.
2024 Resilient Vermont Conference
On March 19. 2024, Norwich University hosted the 2024 iteration of the annual Resilient Vermont Conference, an event organized by the Resilient Vermont Network (RVT) also located at Norwich.. One of the integral themes of this year’s Conference - with an overall approach entitled “After the Floods” - was a Native perspective on resilience in the light of climate-related and associated societal change.
When Others Passing By Behold
The second Governor of Plymouth Colony - Edward Winslow - spoke of the Native people with whom he often traveled and their practice of maintaining a mnemonic story line within the landscape - in his 1624 chronicle "Good News from New England".
New Lights in the Dawnland
“New Lights in the Dawnland” is a two hour audio documentary based on five individually recorded voices recounting 13,000 years of Indigenous history of Sokwakik /Squakheag/Northfield (MA) leading up to the arrival of English colonists in the 17th Century and the impacts of colonialism that followed. Replete with tribal songs, flute and drum interludes and ambient sounds, this conversational telling of the story creates its own imagery, to the considerable satisfaction of those whose voices are interwoven throughout.
Goose, Moose, and the Power Inherent in Language
This is a good example of how “the past” of a concept -“moose” for example, directly from Western Abenaki “moz” (to use one Algonquian dialect of many) - carries the force of its origins into the present, even if unseen or unacknowledged.
Vermont Abenaki Talk About Controversy Over Legitimacy
An article by Robert F. Smith, in The Commons weekly newspaper published Wednesday, January 31, 2024 .
Several members and allies of the Southern Vermont Elnu Abenaki held a packed informational meeting on Jan. 21 in response to controversies regarding their tribal integrity and to answer questions about this from the public.
Brattleboro Reformer Recaps the Jan. 21st LEAG Discussion
The Brattleboro Reformer newspaper, in an article by Chris Mays that was published Jan. 29, 2024, reviewed the Jan, 21, 2024 presentation held at the Westminster West (VT) Congregational Church, sponsored by Living Earth Action Group, and filmed by Bellows Falls’ FACT-TV.
WWHT: A Comprehensive Approach to Transforming a Rural Community
Neighborworks is a nationwide supporting organization for over 250 netowrks that create opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities. Our local Windham & Windsor Housing Trust (WWHT) is one such member, and Neighborworks just shared an overview of the “Bellows Falls Garage” project that they recently completed just upstream along Kwenitekw (Connecticut River) near Kchi Pôntegok (Great Falls, at today’s Bellows Falls, Vermont).
LEAG Presents: Abenaki Recognition - Celebration and Insight
A video transcript from FACT-TV of Bellows Falls - filmed and produced by Alex Stradling. From the event flyer:
Living Earth Action Group (LEAG) will be hosting a presentation by Brattleboro/Wantastegok resident and Atowi Project Co-Director Rich Holschuh (with other possible guests), on Sunday January 21, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Congregational Church of Westminster West. We will discuss the dynamics at work among the Abenaki First Nations Grand Council in Quebec, Canada…
AFN’s C-53 Rationale: Implications of Political Overreach in Vermont
A commentary published in VTDigger on Jan. 11, 2023 - A close reading of this Assembly of First Naations position statement about Bill C-53 makes it clear where the W8banaki organization (formerly the Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki Inc - founded in 1979 as a Tribal Council composed of the Abenaki bands of Odanak and Wôlinak) is taking its cues in devising an anti-VT-recognized Abenaki strategy.