The Mis-Telling Continues: FHWA Includes Mohawk Trail in New Road Designation

An article in the Washington Post, by Andrea Sachs

Published April 16, 2021

A newly minted set of National Scenic Byways and All-American Roads includes Massachusetts Route 2 - the so-called Mohawk Trail - and further enshrines the erasure and replacement of Indigenous presence in the landscape here. The author repeats the contrived narratives and ahistorical tropes that have bolstered public (mis)conceptions of this memoryscape without question, and reinforces the skewed narrative created to promote American automobile tourism, and all the disconnects that come with it.

There is an awful lot to unpack in this seemingly benign action.

Read the full story here.


Third Speaker in the CCV Series: Melody Walker


Rutland Board Splits Over Native Land Recognition