Gov. Scott: Abenaki Recognition & Heritage Week 2023

Yesterday (April 26, 2023) Vermont Governor Phil Scott issued his fifth consecutive Executive Proclamation of Abenaki Recognition and Heritage Week. Link here to the pdf and the full text below. Kchi wliwni Gov. Scott, from everyone!

State of Vermont

Executive Department

A Proclamation

WHEREAS,          Abenaki Recognition and Heritage Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the heritage and the many contributions of the Abenaki to present-day Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and New York; and

WHEREAS,          Vermont acknowledges and condemns the legal, humanitarian, and social harms imposed upon the Abenaki community in the land now known as Vermont, as well as those harms suffered by the Indigenous communities in the United States; and

WHEREAS,          after decades of advocacy, the Abenaki communities in Vermont successfully gained State recognition as Native American Indian tribes in 2010, with the signing of Act No 107 of 2010, an act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont; and

WHEREAS,          there are now four State-recognized Native American Indian tribes in Vermont: the Elnu Abenaki tribe; the Nulhegan band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation; the Koasek Abenaki of the Koas; and the Missisquoi, St. Francis-Sokoki band; and

WHEREAS,          today, the rich legacy of the Abenaki is celebrated through arts and cultural offerings, as well as through state and local policy that aims to address the needs and challenges of the Abenaki community in Vermont, including Abenaki people not affiliated with State- recognized Native American Indian tribes; and

WHEREAS,          through mutual honor and respect for the rich heritage of the state's indigenous people, this week we honor the culture and traditions of Vermont's Abenaki communities.

NOW, THEREFORE,     I, Philip B. Scott, Governor, hereby proclaim May 1-7, 2023 as ABENAKI RECOGNITION AND HERITAGE WEEK in Vermont.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont on this 26th day of April, A.D. 2023.

Philip B. Scott, Governor

Brittney L. Wilson, Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs


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