Eugenics at UVM: the Apology Is Just a Start

An article in The Vermont Cynic (UVM newspaper), by Nicole Hardy

Published May 10, 2021

UVM student group NoNames for Justice highlighted Bailey’s past support for the movement and demanded the removal of Bailey’s name from the library in March 2018, according to an August 2018 Cynic article

Following the student group’s demands, UVM created a Renaming Advisory Committee in March 2018 in order to look further into Bailey’s history with eugenics at UVM according to an August 2018 Cynic article

Both the UVM Renaming Advisory Committee and the Board of Trustees voted to remove Bailey’s name in October 2018. 

However, three years later, questions are being raised about whether this was the right decision and what more could still be done. 

Read the full article here.


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