Atowi is a shared community initiative to affirm relationships with the Land and All of Our Relations, raise Native voices, and foster inclusion with understanding, in place.
Atowi /AH too WEE/ Western Abenaki : together, in space and time

Join Elnu Abenaki Chief Roger in the North Barn at Retreat Farm from 2-4 pm on March 29 for the traditional Abenaki winter pastime of storytelling and song.
Author and storyteller Randy Kritkausky, a federally enrolled tribal member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation who lives in Vermont, writes about awakening to Native American spiritual teachings and working with allies.
Lost, by David Wagoner
A poem suggested by my good friend, fellow seeker of truths, and esteemed relative David Brule of the Millers River valley (Pakwak/Paquag)